「鉢&田島征三 絵本と木の実の美術館」は、「大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2009」で誕生した、空間絵本美術館です。新潟県十日町市の鉢集落の中央に残る旧真田小学校の木造校舎が、絵本と木の実の美術館の舞台です。当時通っていた子どもたち、笑い声やおしゃべりを食べるオバケ「トペラトト」など、さまざまな生きものが作品となって校舎の中を飛び回ります。校庭には、絵本から飛び出したヤギのしずか親子が暮らしています。休耕田を活用したビオトープには、多様な小さな生きものたちが暮らしています。村全体がまるごと絵本になったような豊かな里山に展開する、アーティスト・田島征三の壮大なアート空間をお楽しみください。
“Hachi & Seizo Tashima Museum of Picture Book Art” launched during Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2009 is a museum of a picture book which story spreads out in the entire space of the closed school building, what we named “the Walk-in-Palette”. The wooden school building of ex-Sanada Elementary School located in the centre of the Hachi village in Tokamachi-city, Niigata stands as the stage of the Museum of Picture Book Art. Various lives such as children who used to come to the school and Toperatoto who eats laughter and chattering have turned into artworks and jump about in the school building. In the schoolyard, Shizuka, the goat, born from the picture book and her baby goats and the diverse range of small creatures live in the biotope created in the abandoned rice field. Please enjoy the spectacular art space of Tashima Seizo whose picture book story spreads out in the entire village in rich satoyama.